Youth L’AB is a project started by AB to give youngsters a taste professional life in the music industry.
For a year, a select group will be a part of the AB team. Every member is encouraged to follow their passion and gets a good look behind the scenes. Lighting and sound engineering, festival promotion, programming… it’s all part of the program. In turn, the Youth L’AB-ers comment on what is important to & what is going on for young people; and how AB can better welcome them.
“Ik liep mee met de programmator van AB tijdens een concert van de Amerikaanse rapper Freddie Gibbs. Ik ontmoette de rapper en zijn entourage, dook in het boekhouden en leerde over conceronderhandelingen. Heel leerrijk en een echte eye-opener. Iets wat ik direct praktisch kon gebruiken tijdens mijn carrière als rapper.” (Daan De Witte)
In the meantime, the Youth l’AB-ers are quite at home in AB. Their trajectory ended on Sunday with the organisation of ‘Essence’. They organised this festival all by themselves, with the necessary support here and there. They came up with the concept, the name, and the line-up. They also took care of the promotion.
Are you young (16-23), curious, and very passionate about (live) music? Do you want to know how the music industry really works, and do you want to put your energy into interesting and instructive projects? Then Youth L’AB is for you.
Pictures © Laurens Leroy